**2025 TRAINING COURSES NOW BOOKING ** Visit our Eventbrite page to book Eventbrite link here
Group meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month from 7 – 9pm at Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter in Longbenton, NE12 8EH. You can view directions from your postcode using the map on the contact page. Our meetings normally include a guest speaker.
Our speaker this month is Michelle Wilde, NDBKA Education Secretary. Her talk is titled Hive Mind: Ways to improve your Beekeeping
Come along to meet our group of beekeepers and people who are interested in beekeeping to learn more.
The meeting will also be an opportunity to borrow books from our Library.
This session will be a basic introduction to honey bees and beekeeping. It is intended to help people decide if they would like to take a comprehensive beginners course and look to start keeping bees.
We run a separate full beginners course over two weekends in April.
In the taster session, we will look at…
· Identification of honey bees
· The hive & its occupants
· Products of the hive
· The pleasure & challenges of keeping bees
· Some of the pressures on honey bee populations
It is too early in the season to include hands-on teaching at the hives as the weather will not be warm enough, however hands-on teaching is offered as part of the beginner’s course.
If the course becomes full we may add a second date if there is sufficient interest so please do join the waiting list.
In summer we get many questions from the public about bees and other insects.
Swarm advice on the BBKA website Download our Swarm Information leafletHoney bees and other pollinators depend on flowers for their food. Planting a wide range of flowers and minimising use of herbicides and pesticides makes a huge difference. More information:
BBKA website Bumble Bee Conservation website